Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Le Mot du Jour: Parier

Today's word of the day is parier.

It means to bet/to wager

Here are the sample sentences french.about.com gave:
  1. Je te parie qu'il sera en retard. I bet he'll be late. 
  2. As-tu jamais pariĆ© sur un cheval? Have you ever bet on a horse? 
  3. Elles sont fatiguƩes, je parie. I bet they're tired; They're tired, I'd wager.

On a side note, today I was talking to my friend who is learning Japanese and he has this app on his iPad called Skritter. It looked really cool because it gave him sentences in Japanese to read in Kanji and then he had to answer it in Kanji by writing the characters on the screen. You can create your dictionary as well because you can put in vocabulary words you don't know and do vocabulary drills.

He told me he was basically obsessed with it and that he studied at least an hour a day with it. It looked like it really worked too. This will be really great when I begin to learn Japanese next year. I want to apply for the Japan Exchange and Teaching (J.E.T.) program, but even if I don't get accepted into the program, I would still love to learn Japanese. It's such an intense and rewarding language.

For those who want to work in the business/economic industry, knowing some Japanese (even French) is very beneficial because they are one of the top countries in the business field (among other things).

I tried to find out if they had a French version. So far, no luck. I am in the search of trying to find an app equivalent to it for the iPod/iPhone since I don't have an iPad (although I really, really want one). 

Hopefully, I'll find something!

Until next time!


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