Thursday, August 9, 2012

Comment t'allez vous?

Well I have officially begun my blog to my journey to French fluency. This year is definitely going to be challenging. In one week, I will be heading back to school and one of the classes I will be taking this upcoming semester will be once again French. I have made it to the intermediate level, but the summer can make you forget the things you had memorized only three months ago (three months is a very long time). My French professor will be named Monsieur for the sake of me not getting in trouble in the future. You can never be too safe, I always say.

With that being said, Monsieur and I have one week until we meet face to face once again; and, from past experience, he will expect me of retaining at least common sense in certain things. We can only pray for that when the time comes.

Not to mention, Tutor better be prepared for the many questions and slight panic I will possibly develop as the semester goes by. Oh, he's going to love me since we're living in the same dorm.

Last year, I have learned a lot about learning a language. Always study something every night, stay super organized, and, for the love of god, DO NOT procrastinate. The last one was my biggest downfall. I would try to make over 100 flashcards the night before the test. By the time I was done making them, I just wanted to hop into bed and watch some TV. I would barely study ten of them before giving up and succumbing to sleep (maybe it was because I was studying on my bed...nah).

New goals are definitely in order. I have thought of how I plan to devote my time to learning the language this summer and plan to apply them as soon as the semester starts. I'll keep you updated and let you know how my first day of classes start with Monsieur.

Wish me luck!