Friday, November 2, 2012

Struggles: Study Abroad and Visa Problems

So I haven't said anything, but I have been approved to study abroad in France! Boo-yah!

I'm so excited. I have never left the country before. I didn't even have a passport until this week! But I am excited and nervous and anxious and I can't wait to actually get to Paris. I have been approved for the IES Abroad program and have been sending out required forms and papers to the headquarter.

Lately though, I have been stuck. I have to apply for a visa through CampusFrance and it is just plain confusing for me.

There's all these things that I have to do and the website is packed with information. Not to mention the fact that I have to, apparently, make an appointment with the closest French Embassy for me to get my visa and I'm still wondering how I'm going to do that since I have to go there in person....I think.

I have to send money and other forms to them and, to put it bluntly, I have no idea what the hell I am doing.

I think I just have to sit down and read everything before doing anything. I just want to get it done and not have to do anymore pre-departure requirements.

.....Ahh, wish me luck and hope that I don't drown.

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