Sunday, September 2, 2012

Say What Again?

Last Thursday marked the beginning of the semester at my school and, what do you know, my first class was Intermediate French. As soon as I stepped into the classroom and saw Monsieur (who I haven't had since first semester of last year), I knew this was going to be a class where I would be forced to speak in French.

I have to admit though, after a whole summer of not studying French (I should have, but didn't), I was proud to form together a coherent sentence in French to Monsieur. The last time I saw him, I didn't know squat (You hear that, Monsieur? I deserve a gold star!!).

It was a rough start, I have to say. Many of my classmates were intimidated and you could literally hear the lights buzzing above us because of how quiet it was. Monsieur had us also start reading a page from the new textbook and then asked us questions about what we read.

All that was going through my mind as he asked us questions in French was: Say what again?

Image received from

It was a struggle. A long, painful struggle, but we survived. Monsieur isn't a bad guy. It's just that when he starts talking to us in French is when we want to run and hide. But if it's something I learned as I researched tips on how to make learning a language easier, is to at least try. Trying will result in mistakes, but that's how you will learn. It's like when you first learned to ride a bike. When the training wheels came off, I'm pretty sure you fell, ran into trees and possibly your friends, but you got better, didn't you?

Without trying, you won't get better. But don't worry, if you're still scared about doing this alone, don't be because I'm right there with you.

I'm pretty sure I'll be saying those three words again...and again...and again. Say what again? (Yeah, that).

Till next time...

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